Weight loss

The two most important factors when it comes to losing weight in a healthy way are a healthy diet and physical activity. In our magazine, we give you lots of tips on how to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way with a healthy breakfast and physical activity.

Weight loss

Tipps für Fettabbau

6 tips for losing fat healthily and sustainably

There are many ways to lose fat. The list of diets, workouts and rules is endless. But losing weight in a healthy way can actually be quite simple. In this...

Nadine Palmetshofer

6 tips for losing fat healthily and sustainably

There are many ways to lose fat. The list of diets, workouts and rules is endless. But losing weight in a healthy way can actually be quite simple. In this...

Nadine Palmetshofer
So stoppst du Heißhungerattacken

How to stop food cravings

Everyone knows them, everyone hates them – food cravings are the enemy of every diet and every weight loss attempt. When hunger strikes, it is often difficult for many people...

Dominik Wendl

How to stop food cravings

Everyone knows them, everyone hates them – food cravings are the enemy of every diet and every weight loss attempt. When hunger strikes, it is often difficult for many people...

Dominik Wendl
Abnehmen ohne Sport

Lose weight without exercise – here's what you ...

For many people, losing weight means exercising daily and severely restricting their diet. However, neither is absolutely necessary. Losing weight is possible without exercise or crash dieting. This article will...

Nicolas Dworak

Lose weight without exercise – here's what you ...

For many people, losing weight means exercising daily and severely restricting their diet. However, neither is absolutely necessary. Losing weight is possible without exercise or crash dieting. This article will...

Nicolas Dworak
Abnehmen mit Sport

Losing Weight: Which Sport Offers the Most Bene...

It is often a long way to achieving your desired figure. Diets are often tedious, expensive and often ineffective. Many mistakes can be made when losing weight. In today's blog...

Dominik Wendl

Losing Weight: Which Sport Offers the Most Bene...

It is often a long way to achieving your desired figure. Diets are often tedious, expensive and often ineffective. Many mistakes can be made when losing weight. In today's blog...

Dominik Wendl
Zuckerfalle Porridge? Mit diesen 3 Tipps vermeidest du Zucker bei Haferbrei

Is porridge a sugar trap? Avoid added sugar wit...

Porridge is considered extremely healthy and is therefore very popular with nutrition-conscious people. However, porridge is not always as healthy as is often claimed. This is because many mixtures contain...

Nicolas Dworak

Is porridge a sugar trap? Avoid added sugar wit...

Porridge is considered extremely healthy and is therefore very popular with nutrition-conscious people. However, porridge is not always as healthy as is often claimed. This is because many mixtures contain...

Nicolas Dworak
10 Tipps für gesunde Ernährung

Healthy eating – these 10 tips will help you

A healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more important to many people. Nutrition plays a particularly important role in this. In today's blog post, we have 10 tips for you...

Dominik Wendl

Healthy eating – these 10 tips will help you

A healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more important to many people. Nutrition plays a particularly important role in this. In today's blog post, we have 10 tips for you...

Dominik Wendl
Das richtige Timing für das Pre Workout Meal ist wichtig

6 helpful tips for dealing with cravings

You've barely had time to relax and make yourself comfortable on the sofa when you're hit by an overwhelming urge to eat. Something sweet is needed – and fast! Most...

Nadine Palmetshofer

6 helpful tips for dealing with cravings

You've barely had time to relax and make yourself comfortable on the sofa when you're hit by an overwhelming urge to eat. Something sweet is needed – and fast! Most...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Kann man mit Clean Eating abnehmen?

Can you lose weight with clean eating?

Is clean eating a good way to lose weight? And what is clean eating anyway? In this article, we will give you a precise overview of what this diet is...

Katharina Hann

Can you lose weight with clean eating?

Is clean eating a good way to lose weight? And what is clean eating anyway? In this article, we will give you a precise overview of what this diet is...

Katharina Hann
Diese Fehler solltest du beim Clean Eating vermeiden

Avoid These Mistakes When Eating Clean

Opinions on clean eating are divided. Some people are completely convinced of its benefits, while others doubt its effectiveness. At Verival, we believe that if you approach it correctly, you...

Nicolas Dworak

Avoid These Mistakes When Eating Clean

Opinions on clean eating are divided. Some people are completely convinced of its benefits, while others doubt its effectiveness. At Verival, we believe that if you approach it correctly, you...

Nicolas Dworak
Heißhunger ist der Feind beim Abnehmen

How to Lose Weight Without Cravings in the Long...

Cravings make losing weight difficult for many. But where do the feelings of cravings come from? And what is the best way to satisfy the excessive hunger for sweets and...

Nicolas Dworak

How to Lose Weight Without Cravings in the Long...

Cravings make losing weight difficult for many. But where do the feelings of cravings come from? And what is the best way to satisfy the excessive hunger for sweets and...

Nicolas Dworak
Abnehmen mit warmem Frühstück

5 Reasons Why You Should Opt for a Hot Breakfas...

Hot breakfast is perfect for slimming down! There are various scientific reasons for this. In this article, you can find out more about nutrition and why a hot breakfast is...

Katharina Hann

5 Reasons Why You Should Opt for a Hot Breakfas...

Hot breakfast is perfect for slimming down! There are various scientific reasons for this. In this article, you can find out more about nutrition and why a hot breakfast is...

Katharina Hann
5 Tipps um Gesund zuzunehmen

Our 5 Tips for Healthy Weight Loss Using the Ca...

For many people, it is hard to imagine wanting to gain weight. For some, however, being underweight is a significant problem. Being underweight can lead to various health issues. In...

Dominik Wendl

Our 5 Tips for Healthy Weight Loss Using the Ca...

For many people, it is hard to imagine wanting to gain weight. For some, however, being underweight is a significant problem. Being underweight can lead to various health issues. In...

Dominik Wendl
Clean Eating - alles, was du darüber wissen musst

Clean Eating: Everything You Need to Know

Clean eating is considered a healthy diet, in which highly processed foods should be avoided and the focus should instead be on whole foods. Clean eating, literally pure or clean...

Nicolas Dworak

Clean Eating: Everything You Need to Know

Clean eating is considered a healthy diet, in which highly processed foods should be avoided and the focus should instead be on whole foods. Clean eating, literally pure or clean...

Nicolas Dworak
Kalorienrechner abnehmen

Calorie Calculator – How It Helps You Lose Weight

Most diet concepts promise great success within a very short time; few can deliver on that promise.This is partly due to the fact that many diets overlook a very important...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Calorie Calculator – How It Helps You Lose Weight

Most diet concepts promise great success within a very short time; few can deliver on that promise.This is partly due to the fact that many diets overlook a very important...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Kalorienrechner für Männer

Calorie Calculator for Men

In this article, we focus entirely on the topic of calories and how calorie requirements differ between men and women. In this blog post, we answer the most common questions...

Katharina Hann

Calorie Calculator for Men

In this article, we focus entirely on the topic of calories and how calorie requirements differ between men and women. In this blog post, we answer the most common questions...

Katharina Hann
Kalorien Bedarf Taeglich

Counting Calories – Sensible or Overrated?

Counting calories is an integral part of many diets and is practiced by many people. In today's blog post, we will explain how sensible calorie counting really is and what...

Dominik Wendl

Counting Calories – Sensible or Overrated?

Counting calories is an integral part of many diets and is practiced by many people. In today's blog post, we will explain how sensible calorie counting really is and what...

Dominik Wendl
Gewicht halten in Herbst und Winter

Fit Through the Cold Season – How to Keep Your ...

While spring and summer attract outdoor activities, sports like tennis and volleyball lose their appeal as temperatures drop. Instead, we snuggle up on the couch and give our bodies the...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Fit Through the Cold Season – How to Keep Your ...

While spring and summer attract outdoor activities, sports like tennis and volleyball lose their appeal as temperatures drop. Instead, we snuggle up on the couch and give our bodies the...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Abnehmen Intervallfasten

Lose Weight with Intermittent Fasting – This Is...

Intermittent fasting is a promising method for losing weight in a healthy and sustainable manner. This approach avoids prohibitions and extreme calorie deficits, which is likely one of the reasons...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Lose Weight with Intermittent Fasting – This Is...

Intermittent fasting is a promising method for losing weight in a healthy and sustainable manner. This approach avoids prohibitions and extreme calorie deficits, which is likely one of the reasons...

Nadine Palmetshofer