
Would you like to eat a healthy and balanced breakfast? Here you will find lots of tips, information and recipe ideas to help you enjoy your breakfast even more in the future.


Matcha Koffein

Matcha caffeine – start the day with tea instea...

Matcha, or “green gold,” is a healthy alternative to coffee. With more caffeine per gram and the calming L-theanine, matcha offers gentle, lasting energy. Rich in antioxidants, it promotes heart...

Dominik Wendl

Matcha caffeine – start the day with tea instea...

Matcha, or “green gold,” is a healthy alternative to coffee. With more caffeine per gram and the calming L-theanine, matcha offers gentle, lasting energy. Rich in antioxidants, it promotes heart...

Dominik Wendl

Matcha tea – all about the green gold from Japan

Matcha, the green gold from Japan, embodies tradition and modernity. It is not just a drink, but a symbol of exquisite tea enjoyment and the rich history of Japan. Read...

Dominik Wendl

Matcha tea – all about the green gold from Japan

Matcha, the green gold from Japan, embodies tradition and modernity. It is not just a drink, but a symbol of exquisite tea enjoyment and the rich history of Japan. Read...

Dominik Wendl
Matcha Zubereitung

Matcha preparation – tea, latte and much more

Do you want to prepare delicious recipes with matcha? In this article, you will find detailed instructions for using your matcha, as well as recipe ideas for the perfect matcha...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Matcha preparation – tea, latte and much more

Do you want to prepare delicious recipes with matcha? In this article, you will find detailed instructions for using your matcha, as well as recipe ideas for the perfect matcha...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Matcha Geschichte

The history of matcha

Matcha, the powerful green powder, is taking the hearts of many tea lovers by storm. Originally deeply rooted in Japanese culture, matcha has gained enormous popularity worldwide in recent years....

Nadine Palmetshofer

The history of matcha

Matcha, the powerful green powder, is taking the hearts of many tea lovers by storm. Originally deeply rooted in Japanese culture, matcha has gained enormous popularity worldwide in recent years....

Nadine Palmetshofer
Die Herkunft von Matcha

Matcha origin – the Matcha plant

Natural, healthy energy, deep roots in Japanese culture and the ability to create moments of mindfulness – these are just a few of the reasons why matcha is prized as...

Dominik Wendl

Matcha origin – the Matcha plant

Natural, healthy energy, deep roots in Japanese culture and the ability to create moments of mindfulness – these are just a few of the reasons why matcha is prized as...

Dominik Wendl
Gesund frühstücken mit einer Glutenunverträglichkeit

A healthy breakfast for people with gluten into...

You suffer from gluten intolerance or even celiac disease and are wondering what you can still eat for breakfast? Even if it seems inconceivable at first to give up gluten,...

Alexandra Wiesinger

A healthy breakfast for people with gluten into...

You suffer from gluten intolerance or even celiac disease and are wondering what you can still eat for breakfast? Even if it seems inconceivable at first to give up gluten,...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Haferflocken mit Hafermilch

Oatmeal with Oat Milk – The Perfect Start to th...

Oatmeal is the ultimate staple when it comes to breakfast. Whether for athletes or individuals who want to be mindful of their diet, oatmeal provides a healthy and energizing start...

Dominik Wendl

Oatmeal with Oat Milk – The Perfect Start to th...

Oatmeal is the ultimate staple when it comes to breakfast. Whether for athletes or individuals who want to be mindful of their diet, oatmeal provides a healthy and energizing start...

Dominik Wendl
Porridge mit Milch oder Wasser

Porridge with Milk or Water – Which is Healthier?

Porridge is a staple in many people's breakfasts. There are thousands of different ways to start the day with oatmeal. However, one basic question remains: Which is healthier – porridge...

Dominik Wendl

Porridge with Milk or Water – Which is Healthier?

Porridge is a staple in many people's breakfasts. There are thousands of different ways to start the day with oatmeal. However, one basic question remains: Which is healthier – porridge...

Dominik Wendl
5 Tipps wie du Porridge selber machen kannst - Grundrezept Haferbrei

Porridge Basic Recipe – The 5 Best Tips

What you should know about porridge: You probably already know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Porridge is also becoming an increasingly popular hot breakfast option....

Alexandra Wiesinger

Porridge Basic Recipe – The 5 Best Tips

What you should know about porridge: You probably already know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Porridge is also becoming an increasingly popular hot breakfast option....

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Haferflocken Rezept Frühstück

Your Perfect Oatmeal Breakfast

Warning – this oatmeal recipe is highly addictive! This breakfast is perfect for those who are short on time in the morning but still want to eat something healthy. Oats...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Your Perfect Oatmeal Breakfast

Warning – this oatmeal recipe is highly addictive! This breakfast is perfect for those who are short on time in the morning but still want to eat something healthy. Oats...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Haferflocken richtig zubereiten

How to Properly Prepare Oatmeal

You probably already know that oatmeal is now considered a real superfood and should therefore be an integral part of a healthy diet. But when preparing oat flakes, you should...

Alexandra Wiesinger

How to Properly Prepare Oatmeal

You probably already know that oatmeal is now considered a real superfood and should therefore be an integral part of a healthy diet. But when preparing oat flakes, you should...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
5 Rezeptideen für ein gesundes, glutenfreies Frühstück

5 recipe ideas for a healthy, gluten-free break...

If you suffer from gluten intolerance or gluten sensitivity, it may often seem very difficult at first glance to avoid gluten. However, there is now a wide range of gluten-free...

Alexandra Wiesinger

5 recipe ideas for a healthy, gluten-free break...

If you suffer from gluten intolerance or gluten sensitivity, it may often seem very difficult at first glance to avoid gluten. However, there is now a wide range of gluten-free...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Individuelles Mitarbeitergeschenk

B2B gift service – personalized gifts for emplo...

Do you want to give your customers or employees a treat? In this article, we will show you what to consider when choosing the perfect customer or employee gift.

Lisa Schabbauer

B2B gift service – personalized gifts for emplo...

Do you want to give your customers or employees a treat? In this article, we will show you what to consider when choosing the perfect customer or employee gift.

Lisa Schabbauer
Geschenkset Mitarbeiter

Christmas Gifts for Employees – Sustainable Gif...

Are you also looking for personalized gift sets for various occasions such as Christmas, birthdays, or events? In this post, we will share 5 tips for finding the perfect gift...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Christmas Gifts for Employees – Sustainable Gif...

Are you also looking for personalized gift sets for various occasions such as Christmas, birthdays, or events? In this post, we will share 5 tips for finding the perfect gift...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
6 Gründe, warum warmes Frühstück so gesund ist

6 Reasons Why Hot Breakfast Is So Healthy

Warm breakfasts are a tradition in many cultures. From Ayurvedic teachings to traditional Chinese medicine, a warm meal is a cornerstone of many diets. And rightly so. Because warm breakfasts,...

Nicolas Dworak

6 Reasons Why Hot Breakfast Is So Healthy

Warm breakfasts are a tradition in many cultures. From Ayurvedic teachings to traditional Chinese medicine, a warm meal is a cornerstone of many diets. And rightly so. Because warm breakfasts,...

Nicolas Dworak
Müsli Inhaltsstoffe

You should look out for these three ingredients...

Muesli is a popular breakfast that appeals to almost everyone. Thanks to the wide range of ingredients available, it offers a great deal of variety and is guaranteed not to...

Nadine Palmetshofer

You should look out for these three ingredients...

Muesli is a popular breakfast that appeals to almost everyone. Thanks to the wide range of ingredients available, it offers a great deal of variety and is guaranteed not to...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Baked Oats zum Frühstück

Baked Oats – The New Trend for Breakfast

Baked oats are the latest trend when it comes to breakfast. Baked oatmeal is not only very healthy but also extremely popular for breakfast. In this blog post, you'll find...

Dominik Wendl

Baked Oats – The New Trend for Breakfast

Baked oats are the latest trend when it comes to breakfast. Baked oatmeal is not only very healthy but also extremely popular for breakfast. In this blog post, you'll find...

Dominik Wendl
Frühstück to Go und Gesunde Snacks

5 Ideas for Healthy Snacks and Breakfast for Sc...

We can ease our stressful days by starting the day with a healthy breakfast and taking healthy snacks with us on the go. In this article you will find some...

Alexandra Wiesinger

5 Ideas for Healthy Snacks and Breakfast for Sc...

We can ease our stressful days by starting the day with a healthy breakfast and taking healthy snacks with us on the go. In this article you will find some...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger