Summer is just around the corner, and the desire to be outdoors is also flourishing. Especially in summer, many people start exercising regularly again. An ideal sports diet is important. This is due, on the one hand, to the possibility of being active outdoors in nature, and on the other hand, to the fact that you feel like exercising again.
However, there are some things to keep in mind when exercising in summer, especially in midsummer. The heat in particular poses some dangers – but there are other potential sources of danger lurking here and there. In this article, you will find out what these are, what you should pay particular attention to, and what role proper nutrition plays in this.
Nature harbors these sources of danger
Even though it's tempting to perform at your best, especially in the summer, there are a few things to keep in mind. On the one hand, the heat poses serious dangers; on the other hand, solar radiation should not be underestimated.
When exercising, both the heart rate and the body temperature increase. The body must now compensate for this increase in temperature by, among other things, starting to sweat and thus cooling down. Due to this increased sweat production, the body not only loses water but also a variety of minerals.
Especially in midsummer, this results in problematic situations. On the one hand, the ambient temperature is known to be very high, and on the other hand, the humidity is often increased. As a result, the body loses even more body water than usual – this not only ensures weaker performance, but also carries the risk of heat stroke.
How to prepare your body for summer conditions
However, to counteract the risk of overheating the body, there are some tips and tricks that you can use to support your body.
The first tip is to gradually get your body used to the elevated temperatures. On the one hand, this is achieved by exposing yourself to heat in winter and spring – for example, by going to the sauna regularly. Those who do not have this option should start exercising in the fresh air as early as spring and thus use the natural rise in temperature over the months as acclimatization.

If summer is just around the corner, the intensity should ideally be reduced, for example, by reducing the pace of running. In addition, you should make sure to be active in the early morning or later in the evening, as it is more tolerable and gentle on your body at these times.
Take these nutrition tips to heart
Acclimatization of the body is one of the most important factors – this process should ideally be supplemented by a suitable diet. Because on the one hand, there is an increased energy requirement due to sporting activity; on the other hand, a lot of body fluid and thus also minerals are lost during sport.
These minerals are also known as electrolytes and are probably familiar to everyone. However, there are a few small things to keep in mind here as well. First of all, the timing of hydration is crucial. Ideally, you should not drink when you are already thirsty. Especially in the summer, you should follow this tip to avoid dehydration and heat stroke.
It is optimal if you supply your body with fluid before exercising. For example, it is advisable to drink about 500 ml of water two to four hours before physical exertion. Ten minutes before exercising, you should consume another 150 ml to support your body as much as possible.
You should also ensure adequate hydration during and after physical activity. However, it is important to note that the drink should be hypotonic or isotonic. This means that the drink should contain fewer to the same number of dissolved particles, such as sugar, as the blood.
This ensures that the beverage is absorbed quickly and thus supplies your body with fluid and electrolytes as quickly as possible. You can easily prepare such sports drinks yourself.
How to make your own sports drink
Such a drink consists of only three components: on the one hand, you need a base, preferably water or tea. Then add some carbohydrates in the form of honey, syrup, or fruit juice. Finally, a pinch of salt – and you're done with your homemade sports drink.
The amount of carbohydrates should be a maximum of 30-60 grams per liter – you can already achieve this, for example, with 80 ml of syrup or 40 grams of honey. Even with salt, less is more – the ideal amount is about 1.2 grams.
An exemplary sports drink could therefore look like this: 750 ml of water, 250 ml of multivitamin juice, and 1.2 g of salt.
You should consume this drink according to the nibbling principle – a sip-wise intake during sporting activity.
What the Optimal Meal Looks Like After Summer Sports
After training, you should make sure to cover the following aspects. On the one hand, your body now needs more fluid to compensate for the loss of sweat. On the other hand, it needs carbohydrates and proteins to repair the damaged muscular structures and also to replenish the carbohydrate stores.
Ideally, the distribution of carbohydrates and proteins should be as follows: 0.8 to 1 gram of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight, combined with 0.2 to 0.4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
For a person weighing 70 kilograms, this results in the following amounts: 56 to 70 grams of carbohydrates and 14 to 28 grams of proteins.
Ideally, the meal should be easily digestible and available quickly. This is achieved, for example, by a pulpy consistency – porridge or overnight oats are perfect for this. In addition, they are low in fat and thus digestible faster than high-fat foods.
The meal after exercise not only improves recovery but also optimizes carbohydrate storage and muscle building.

If you want to be active in summer, you should pay attention to a few things. On the one hand, the training should not be carried out in the blazing sun to avoid overheating the body. On the other hand, care should be taken to ensure a proper diet and hydration.
If you follow these tips, nothing will stand in the way of your sporty summer 😉
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Photo Credits Featured Image: Martina Valmassoi