More and more people nowadays are allergic to food. This is due to many different factors. It is often said in this context that people have simply become hypersensitive. That's not true. The methods for detecting allergies or intolerances have become much better, as have the treatments. All of these things did not exist before, so the fallacy may be that humanity has simply become more sensitive.
Today, we will clarify various myths about intolerances and allergies so that you can enjoy our breakfast in peace.
through these advanced methods, it is now possible to determine quite precisely what a person is missing or what it is better not to eat and drink. But let's first clarify the difference between an allergy and an intolerance.
What distinguishes an allergy from an intolerance?
An allergy means that the body always triggers a reaction regardless of the amount of the substance. Among other things, this can lead to itching or a rash – in the case of more severe allergies, it can also lead to abdominal pain and nausea. In the hardest cases, this can also become life-threatening if you fall into so-called anaphylactic shock. In most cases, those affected must avoid the food that leads to the reaction for life.
In the case of an intolerance, on the other hand, it depends on the amount of the substance that you consume.
So it may be that you do not notice anything with small amounts, but with increased consumption, similar symptoms occur as with an allergy. Be warned: even small amounts can cause a reaction.
What allergies and intolerances are there?
Basically, it can be said that the most common complaints are intolerances. Allergies are usually more serious than intolerances, although the latter can also become very unpleasant. Proper food allergies are usually nuts, shellfish, but also soybeans. Here, the body initiates a violent reaction against actually harmless proteins. The allergy itself usually develops in childhood and lasts a lifetime.
In the case of intolerances, two particularly common ones can be mentioned:
lactose intolerance and gluten intolerance, also called celiac disease.
Also often on the intolerance list: very acidic fruits such as citrus fruits or tomatoes, but also chocolate, ice cream, or sweets. There is just as often an intolerance to very fatty foods and spices such as pepper or mustard.
Lactose Intolerance – Symptoms and Effects
Lactose intolerance is one that is extremely common. Many people suffer from it, especially in the Western world. But what exactly is lactose? What are the symptoms of lactose intolerance? And why do so many people suffer from this intolerance?
For many experts, it is obvious: in fact, all humans have an intolerance to cow's milk. It contains substances that the body simply cannot process. This is why many people feel a bloated stomach or stomach ache after eating cow's milk products. Lactose is lactose – an intolerance exists when the body cannot break down the lactose. In most cases, the symptoms occur about an hour after eating dairy products.
There are two different types of lactose intolerance: primary and secondary lactose intolerance. The primary is a congenital intolerance, which usually manifests itself in adulthood, as the body loses the ability to break down lactose with age. The second type is the acquired intolerance.
The therapy for lactose intolerance is very simple – you have to avoid lactose-containing foods. For all those who do not want to do without milk and dairy products despite their intolerance, there is now a wide range of lactose-free products. But how do you get the lactose out of the dairy product? This works by adding the enzyme lactase to the dairy products during production, which takes over the function of the small intestine and splits the lactose into the simple sugars glucose and galactose. Incidentally, this also explains why lactose-free milk tastes sweeter than conventional milk. The sweetening power of glucose and galactose is much stronger than that of lactose.
Thanks to the ever-increasing movement towards veganism in recent years, there is also a growing range of plant-based milk alternatives such as oat, almond, coconut, or rice drinks, which of course also contain no lactose and can therefore be consumed completely without hesitation by people who suffer from lactose intolerance. Here we also show you how you can easily make plant-based drinks yourself.
Celiac disease – gluten intolerance
Celiac disease or gluten intolerance is the second most common in humans. Gluten is a gluten protein that cannot be absorbed and broken down properly by the body. Celiac disease is a mixture of allergy or intolerance and autoimmune disease. It is an immune reaction of the intestine, which subsequently becomes a chronic inflammation.
Symptoms of gluten intolerance can range from constipation to flatulence, diarrhea, or cramping. Gluten is found in many different grains, such as wheat and rye, but also barley and spelt. All products that only contain the component of a gluten-containing grain should be strictly avoided in case of intolerance – this is also the only form of therapy that can prevent further damage to the intestine.
In the case of weaker forms of intolerance, even a temporary waiver can help. This is usually referred to as 1-2 years. Affected people can often eat small amounts of gluten again after this time.
If you feel that you have to deal with complaints more often after certain foods, you could try to do without them.
However, before you make any serious changes to your diet, you should still see a doctor you trust.
I am affected – now what?
Food intolerance is not a death sentence. Due to the increasing number of people affected, it is becoming easier to find foods that also fit a very individual diet. Renunciation does not always mean that you have to suffer from it. There are many lactose-free alternatives and just as many gluten-free variants – even if you might have to take a closer look from time to time.
Especially at
, it may seem difficult for many people to avoid cow's milk or gluten-containing products, but there are also many different options that can be used to remedy this important meal.
For example, a large proportion of our breakfast products are completely gluten-free.
You can find these and breakfast products for other intolerances with just
a few clicks through the filter function in our online shop.