Chia seeds as a superfood are true all-rounders . They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, provide a lot of protein and fiber , and can be easily combined with many other great foods.
The digestive tract benefits from this valuable food, which the Aztecs already appreciated and used in many ways. Chia is a real blessing, especially in sports .
Chia seed recipes can be ideally integrated into everyday life to recharge your batteries before exercise and build muscle after exercise . This is how they prevailed over centuries – from food of the Aztecs to a superfood of modern times.
Learn how to incorporate chia seeds into your diet before and after exercise in this post!
The Superfood in Strength Sports
The chia seeds' nutritional values are incredible. With just 2 tablespoons of the small power seeds, the body receives 4 grams of protein, 200 milligrams of calcium, and 5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids .
In addition, chia seeds contain 515 kcal per 100 grams. They are rich in fiber, protein, fat, and many other valuable nutrients, which are essential, especially for strength athletes.
Due to their high protein content, they specifically support muscle building. Chia seeds are also very easy to digest, which means that the proteins are quickly directed into the muscle tissue and made available to the muscles.
Chia seeds have strength and endurance-boosting properties. They consist of 20 percent protein and provide the body with valuable amino acids.
Tip: Eating chia seeds immediately after training promotes targeted muscle building.
Chia seeds in Endurance Sports
The Aztecs already swore by the positive properties of chia. It was considered a staple food, just like quinoa. Healthy food is also becoming increasingly popular with us.
The term means "oily", which refers to the high content of omega-3 fatty acids. By consuming chia seeds daily, runners gain more strength and sustainably promote their muscle regeneration.
The following properties make black and white chia seeds virtually indispensable for athletes and non-athletes alike:
- They support digestion
- Chia seeds regulate blood sugar levels
- They lower cholesterol levels
- They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, calcium, iron, vitamins, and antioxidants

Effects of Chia Seeds on the Cardiovascular System
Chia seeds consist of 60% omega-3 fatty acids, which our body cannot independently produce but are necessary for the proper functioning of our bodily functions.
The fatty acid content positively affects the cardiovascular system. Chia is not only a great addition to sports; the omega-3 fatty acids it contains also contribute to a healthy lifestyle. For this reason, they must not be missed on the plate.
When and How Can Athletes Use the Seeds?
Athletes have many options for integrating chia into their diet. Many chia seed recipes delight us day after day and keep our menus varied and balanced.
Chia seeds are suitable as eye-catchers on sandwiches, over salads, or in chia seed pudding. They are versatile and enrich our diets with protein and fiber, which are essential, especially for athletes.
The superfood can also be easily integrated into smoothies, sports drinks, dressings, soups, and homemade ice creams. This way, you can achieve even more benefits for a healthy organism with your diet.

Nut Chocolate Pudding with Chia Seeds
- 3 tbsp chia seeds
- 3 tablespoons baked cocoa
- 2 tbsp peanut butter (or another nut puree)
- 300 ml plant-based drink (e.g. oat drink)
- 30 g oatmeal
- 30 g grated nuts (e.g. walnuts)
- 1 tbsp maple syrup
- 1 pinch of salt
First, put the chia seeds in the blender and mix them for about 20 seconds until crushed.
Next, simply add all the remaining ingredients and blend well until a creamy pudding forms. Sometimes, you may need to mix the ingredients in your blender with a spoon in between.
If necessary, add a little more liquid.
Now pour the mixture into a glass or bowl. You can also enhance the pudding with toppings of your choice, such as peanuts, banana, or some seeds.
You can either enjoy the pudding immediately or refrigerate it for about 1 hour so that the chia seeds can swell a bit, making the mass even more pudding-like.
Nutritional Values
Incorporate Chia Seeds into Your Healthy Sports Diet
Chia offers 100% plant-based protein power, which should not be missing from the menu. Daily consumption offers many great nutrients such as proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, and iron, which a healthy organism needs. This makes chia seeds healthy and attractive. But how can chia be intelligently incorporated into the diet?
Before training, you can opt for a chia seed pudding, a cereal with chia seeds, top your porridge with chia seeds, or choose a homemade bread that contains chia and oatmeal , for example.
This gives you all-around power and many valuable nutrients for your training. At Verival, we focus on a balanced and healthy diet .
Here, chia seeds are definitely one of them. Take advantage of the attractive superfood and combine it wherever possible. This is how you boost yourself day after day for your training or your normal everyday life.